Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Learning Something New

Here I go again!  Ken loves to try new stuff out on me.  I love it, I guess.  I really was quite content with my big old computer, when Ken decided I needed a laptop.  I really enjoyed it, still am actually, but now Ken has decided I would enjoy an i-pad.  It's actually a droid, but same difference.  NOW  Ken has decided that I needed a little blue tooth key pad because  my fingers aren't too good a blog texting...  this is my first attempt lying on the floor in front of the TV lil pad propped on a pillow typing on my lil keyboard...It might be something I can get use to...


  1. I was just dreaming of getting and ipad or droid. Sandy's husband is selling his commercial sewing machine that he used for upholstery so I'm going to buy that. The ipad with have to wait. Let me know how you like your droid pad. That is what I'm thinking about. Don has the ipad.

    1. So far so good...but man ALL these gizmos...

  2. I didn't want an I-Pad until my wife surprised me with one and now I can't function without it.

  3. It's nice that somebody will always challenge you with something new.
