Monday, May 23, 2011

Send Mama to the Rescue!

My earlier blog, "Is That You Mama?", reminded me of another story I heard one time.  It goes like this.
Seems an older woman called her daughter one afternoon to check in on her and the family.  The young woman was in tears.  The older woman asked, "Baby, what in the world is wrong with you?"  "Oh Mama", the younger woman explained, "The house is mess, the children are running around like wild heathens, and that crazy husband of mine just called to say he's bringing his boss home for supper!"  The older woman felt the young woman's pain and responded, "Don't worry anymore.  Go pack the kids an overnight bag and you go take a soothing bath.  I'll come and on my way over I'll pick up some Chinese take-out.  When I get there, I'll help you clean up the house and then I'll bring the children to spend the night with me.  It will all be OK."  The young woman was extremely relieved, as any of us would be, and she exclaimed, "Oh Mama, thank you so much!  Richard is going to owe you big time!"  She heard a silent pause on the other end of the line...Then the older woman asked, "Richard?"  Then she repeated the number she had dialed.  The older woman sorrowfully said, "Oh honey, I think I've got the wrong number."  The younger one now in deeper anxiousness said, "Wait a minute, does that mean you're not coming?!" 

Moral:  Sometimes any mama will do...Just please send Mama to the rescue...This journey can be too crazy to take alone!

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