Friday, March 4, 2011

And That's How We "Honor" Roll!

In twenty years I really don't know how many students I have taught.  There are so many memories and so many faces that come to mind.  Some stand out for reasons I can't explain, and some just tug at my heart.  I don't know about other teachers, but I really can't explain why I just absolutely LOVE some students.  These are what some call the "brats".  My mama said it's because I are one!  Don't care.  Every now and then I'll dream of one at night and wonder if they made it.  Sometimes it's hard on those of us that like to walk on the edge with our tongues out singing, "Nana-nana-boo-boo".  One came and visited with me last night as I was dreaming.  His name, "Destin" (as in Florida) an African American male that I had the privilege to teach math to in fifth and sixth grade.  He got thrown out of a lot of different classes by a lot of different teachers for a lot of different reasons.  But for some reason, I loved him.  I thought he brought a lot of life, spark and thought into class.  I, though, like the other teachers, did HAVE to ask him to leave one day.  He had not only stolen learning from the others that day but was disrespectful to me.  As I recall he actually yelled at me that day.  After I threw him out, Destin sat in the hall and wrote me a note.  I kept it for years and it went something like this: 
     Mrs. Evans,  I don't know what got in to me.  That I would yell at a beautiful teacher like you.  I must be the stupidest person alive.  Next time that happens, you just call me up to the front and slap me as hard as you can and say, " 'Destin', come to your senses."   Signed Your Grateful Student

It still makes me chuckle.  I never did have to call him up front and slap him, I don't think I ever had to discipline him again.  He felt safe in my world; I understood him. 
As stated earlier I teach math.  Before Promethean Boards and Doc Cameras, I used my overhead projector A LOT!!!  I went through a whole bunch of transparencies.  Every now and then a group of students would stay in during their breaks to clean them.  What angels!  One day Destin volunteered himself and a friend of his, "Marcette".  Now Destin was not one you would leave alone in your room or that you really wanted to spend "extra" time with, but I'm glad I said yes that day.  Destin and Marcette settled in at a table to clean my used transparencies, all of a sudden Marcette yells out at me, "Mrs. Evans, this one won't come clean and neither will this whole pile."  I thought, "Oh no, I must have used permanent marker."  I walked over to where the boys were working and then I saw all the writing was backwards so I said, "Marcette turn it over."  He did and of course the writing came off; Destin frogged Marcette and yelled at him, "Boy, and it's you who wonders why we don't make honor roll."  Well, Destin I don't know where you are now or how you're doing, but you are on my Honor Roll, 'cause that's how I roll!  Thanks for the laughter along the journey.


  1. This made me and Mrs. Jackson laugh! Sometimes other teachers wonder why I chose a "brat" for "Student of the Week" or "Fantastic Friday"...the answer is easy: Once they leave my room they may never be chosen again!

  2. I'm glad y'all enjoyed the story. I promise you it was a fun moment!!!

  3. I tried to post this morning and it didn't upload....I read your blog to Eric this morning and he was ROLF...said you should send this to Reader's Digest....I love and miss you...and all my friends from CPJHS. Tell all hi for me. :-)

  4. Oh Georgia I'm so glad! You keep on reading, laughing and I'll keep on rolling...Love you & miss you too...
