Saturday, March 19, 2011

Happy Birthday Janet!

Yesterday, March 18, was a very special day some 50 or so years ago...One of my best friends growing up, Janet,  was born on that day.  Janet was and is a royal  hoot!  She and I, along with quite a few wonderful Swartz (Wham Break) kids, had some really great adventures.  Some of them I'm still sworn to silence on, I believe she made me promise to take them to the grave.  Problem was none of us thought we'd live this long.  I remember when 30 was OLD...but that's another story.  Today I'll just tell about one of our school adventures.  Janet and I enjoyed pretending to be spies.  In fact I still have my Spy Book from the summer I turned 16...that'll be a HOT TOPIC at our next "Girls Night Out!"  Janet is one year younger than me; she has a sister, Karen one year older than me.  I loved and love both those girls!  You talk about daylight and dark, they temperament, in thought, even in looks.  Karen is a lovely blond and Janet is a beautiful brunette.    Janet encouraged my "brattiness" and Karen tried to contain it.  Janet was happy to be embarrassed with me, Karen was afraid of it but always accepted it.  They were both in my wedding and have been important in my life forever...Back to the story.  When Janet arrived at Ouachita High School one year after me, we'd already spied out everyone just about in Swartz so we had new game.  The first "marks" she spotted were two upper class men that arrived everyday in a Trans-Am.  You gotta know they looked goooood to us little bumpkins.  Now it seems these guys were late everyday, or sometimes anyway.  At Ouachita, back in the day, if you were tardy you had to report to detention or something like it.  It was a classroom, held by one of the coaches, until the bell rang for second period.  Janet nor I were ever late.  We rode the bus and got to school way before daylight.  So our main problem was to hide somewhere until the bell rang so we could report to the "holding room" just so we could find out info on the guys...We didn't know what we'd do with the info and heaven forbid if either of them had talked to us, we'd died right there on the spot.  Of course I don't think either of them ever even knew we existed.  Janet and I had great fun though, putting "anonymous" notes in their lockers, setting up friends in the library, showing up right as they were coming out of a class...these things were not easy tasks.  We were sophisticated with our work.  We enlisted a teacher who got us class schedules and everything.   I even joined the Chess Club...We stopped the day one of them looked at us sideways and kind of elbowed the other one.  It's no fun when someone suspects you...We were on to bigger people...Elvis and Tom Jones!  But that's another story...Happy Birthday Janet, I've enjoyed the ride!
Stink Creek Kids are the BEST!!!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe you put the picture caption as Stink Creek Kids.
